“It is about dissolving the duality of my self and environment. I must BEcome the balance!”.
Michael Grab loves being in a quiet environnement, listening to flowing water, enjoying a natural landscape. One day in 2008 while exploring on summertime Boulder Creek in Boulder (CO, USA), where he lives, he started balancing stones and since then, he’s never stopped. People are now calling him an artist although he never considers himself as such. Indeed, he is a genuine stone dancer, always exploring and deepening this art, that demands, to quote Michael, « patience, adaptation, slow-breathing, steady hands, and a plethora of other practiced skills… ». The artist practices daily meditation and is able to feel his environment with a deep accuracy. Feeling the vibrations of the rocks is the main ability, as well as finding the finest point-balance. Actually, the rocks often look to be barely touching, resting in such tiny notches. For Michael Grab, this meditation on stones is a therapy-like practice, balancing himself at the same time as the rocks.
His astonishing talent he has been practicing professionally since 2012, has sent him around the world for live performances and festivals.